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Youth & School-Based Programs

The Peace Team

Mid Shore Community Mediation Center partners with local school districts to provide mediation and conflict resolution services to students, staff, and families. Professionally trained mediators are available in schools to mediate with students in conflict. Mediation is a private conversation between people, designed to help defuse, resolve, and manage conflict. Participation in mediation is voluntary, and no one is forced to participate or to agree to anything they don't want to agree to. Mid Shore Community Mediation Center mediators are non-judgmental, and will not give advice or determine who is right or wrong. Mediation is not a punishment; it is a tool for resolution and problem-solving. Mediation is a proven approach for resolving conflicts, sustainably and without violence.


Please encourage your student to talk with our team if they have questions or are experiencing a conflict.

School-Based Programs

The mediators didn’tjudge me becauseI’m different.

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When I talked everyonelistened to me withoutinterruptions.

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I could say what Ineeded to say withoutgetting in trouble.

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Conflict Resolution Trainings are tailored to the needs of students aged 10-18. Students learn techniques to improve their abilities to manage conflict and communicate effectively. Lesson topics are designed to help students understand how they respond to stressful experiences, what triggers their anger, and how anger affects their wellness. Lessons also provide students opportunities to develop stress reduction techniques and to improve communication skills.


Restorative Practices are a proactive approach to building community, offering alternatives to “zero tolerance” discipline strategies and focusing instead on engaging students with evidence-based and outcomes-driven approaches to human development and academic success. Students may experience class meetings, or circles, designed to build relationships with their peers and teachers. Students may also have opportunities to “make things right” when discipline infractions occur. Ask your student’s administrative team for more information.


Attendance Mediation is a voluntary opportunity for students and families to have collaborative conversations with members of the school community around any challenges they may be experiencing with school or class attendance. Families and school representatives can create unique plans to improve attendance and strengthen relationships. School staff members will be identifying students they think may benefit from this type of conversation and inviting them to mediation.


Mid Shore Community Mediation Center provides parents and students the opportunity to participate in mediation sessions with or without the presence of school staff. Parents/guardians may request mediation with other parents/guardians regarding situations involving their children. These mediations can happen in school buildings during the school day, or may be scheduled after school hours at other neutral locations in the community. Center staff contacts everyone involved to schedule the mediation. Parents can request this service by contacting the Mid Shore Community Mediation Center directly or asking their student's administrator or school counselor for more information.

© 2024 Mid Shore Mediation

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